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TPR Is Lit - October 2012


Meet Hayden Kays An Introduction

Hayden Kays was born in London on the 276th day of the year. This is Hayden's mug shot. Hayden has lived the entirety of his existence in London. Hayden has 2 middle names, Caleb and James. Hayden has a perforated right eardrum. Hayden likes to touch things he knows he shouldn't. Hayden has a severe issue with authority. Hayden likes nothing more than to mock. Hayden Kays is the new Artist-in-residence at TPR.


Mapping the Delta Poetry By George Szirtes


George Szirtes has published nineteen collections in the English language, but does not consider himself an English writer.  He calls himself, instead, a British writer of Hungarian extraction.  Because of this some call him an exile.  The Poetry Book Society calls him a T.S. Eliot Prize winner.  Beyond all things we call George Szirtes a poet, and a damned fine one .  There are few like him in the world.  That’s why we are honoured to feature Szirtes as the first featured poet of the new TPR.


The World and Trousers of Samuel Beckett An Experimental Letter By Bohumil Hrabal

In the first in our series on the literary giant, we present Bohumil Hrabal at his experimental letter writing finest. On display, is a master creating the rules of a genre of his own invention. Written on January 26, 1990, it exemplifies the collision of Hrabal’s experimental epistolary art with the significant historical events happening in Czechoslovakia at that time .Read the thoughts of the literary giant following the days of the Velvet Revolution and the ascendency of Václav Havel. This is no mere letter. This is revolution. This is love. This is Hrabal.

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