The Prague Revue
The Prague Revue lives on the web. We are committed to publishing the very best in modern literature in the TPR Is Lit section of the site. Look for daily updates in the TPR Stream where we publish anything we want. Essays. News. Photography. Artwork. Interviews. Blog pieces. Anything but the fine fiction and poetry that you’ll find in TPR Is Lit.
None of this changes our storied history with print. Look for the innovative print series the TPR Samizdat Project later this year. You can also check out a gallery of the past issues of TPR by clicking the header above.
We were founded with a firm belief that Prague is a true international city and as such is not bound by the interests of provinciality. We carry a banner for the city of Prague, but we publish for the world.
Submissions Guidelines
TPR will publish new fiction and poetry once a week in TPR Is Lit. Please submit only one prose piece at a time and up to five works of poetry. All entries should be previously unpublished. Please include in the subject header if the submission is poetry, fiction or something else entirely. If you submit multiple genres please include them in their own separate e-mail with the appropriate subject heading.
We will publish every weekday in the TPR Stream. If you are submitting for the TPR Stream please note this includes anything your mind can think of with the exception of fiction and poetry. This is where you will find the best in creative non-fiction, essays, politics, photo projects, artwork, etc. Be creative. There are no limits in the TPR Stream. We want the stream to be a collaborative effort and we want you to be part of it. The only other constraint, naturally, is quality.
All rights revert to the author upon publication, while TPR maintains the right to exhibit the work in its own exclusive print or web features now or in the future. Email submissions only at thepraguerevue@gmail.com.
Contact Info
The Prague Revue
V Jámě 7 110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
